Tag Archives: Markets


Investors New Love Affair With Cash

Investors are no longer seeking intermediate to long-term U.S. treasuries during period of turmoil, but turning heavily to cash equivalents. Short-term governments are accruing 33 cents for every $1 of buying across major asset classes. Long-term yields are stuck in limbo until inflation and wage pressures truly brew and/or economic data outside the U.S. rebounds from a Q1/Q2 retreat.... Read More


What We’re Reading

New Way To Measure Inflation? Bloomberg.com – Fed’s Bostic to Hear Case for Excluding Housing From Inflation Paper says home prices make Fed policy look easier than it is Advocacy group will present findings to Bostic on Thursday Federal Reserve Bank... Read More


Economic Opinion

The economy is in great shape. If you look at household surveys, confidence is high. In businesses, confidence is high. If you survey workers about the job market, they will say it is a good environment to find jobs. Businesses... Read More